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  • Radioactive Decay

    Radioactive Decay

    Week 22 Lesson 110- Physical Science radioactive decay is the process by which unstable atoms emit radiation and transform into more stable atoms. This happens when elements have an unstable nucleus, meaning they have extra protons or neutrons. To become stable, the atoms release energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves. There areContinue…

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  • week 20 lesson 100- Western Civilization I Describe the 9th and 10th-century invasions. Apart from the destruction, how did affect life in the West? The ninth and tenth-century invasions of Europe, also known as the Viking invasions, were a series of raids and attacks by Norse warriors from Scandinavia of Western Europe. These invasions resulted inContinue…

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  • Week 7 Lesson 35– Classic Autobiographies Describe Kourdakov’s use of contrasts to strengthen his narrative. Kordakov used many contrasts to strengthen his narrative. The major contrast he would talk about most was the differences between the believers (the Christians of Russia) and the secret police, and their points of view.                 When the police wereContinue…

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  • Benefits of a heart attack

    Week 3 Lesson 15– Classic Autobiographies Discuss some of the good things that came as a result of his heart attack.  On December 11, 1983, PBS newsletter co-anchor Jim Lehrer had a heart attack. He has been suffering from chest pains for several days prior so his wife has already taken him to the hospitalContinue…

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  • The Periodic Table of Elements

    Week 21 Lesson 105-Physical Science Discuss the Periodic table of elements. The Periodic table of elements is a chart that organizes all the known elements based on their properties. It is a fundamental tool in chemistry that allows scientists to predict the behavior and the relationships between the elements. The periodic table is divided intoContinue…

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  • Week 20 Lesson 100-Western civilization Describe the 9th and 10th-century invasions. Apart from the destruction, how did they affect life in the West? The ninth and tenth-century invasions of Europe, also known as the Viking invasions, were a series of raids and attacks by Norse warriors from Scandinavia of Western Europe. These invasions resulted in widespreadContinue…

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  • Justinian


    Week 19 Lesson 95 Essay-Western Civilization I What kind of person emerges from the Procopius portrayal of Justinian? The Procopius portal of Justinian depicts him as an individual with admirable and disturbing traits. On the one hand, Justinian emerged as a brilliant and ambitious ruler who dedicated himself to expanding the Byzantine Empire through militaryContinue…

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  • The Carolingin Rennaissance

    Week 18 Lesson 90 Essay-Western Civilization I What was the Carolingian Renaissance?    The Carolingian Renaissance was the first of three major Renaissance. It marked the last great effort to retrieve classical culture before the late Middle Ages. It occurred from the late 8th century to the 9th century, taking inspiration from ancient Roman (and some Greek) culture.Continue…

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  • Charlemagne’s Biography

    Week 17 Lesson 85-Western Civilization I What picture of Charlemagne emerges from Einhard’s biography?    In Einhard’s biography, Charlemagne is depicted as a formidable and influential ruler who significantly contributed to Europe. He is described as a tall, imposing figure with strong physical abilities and a commanding presence. Charlemagne’s relentless ambition and military powers areContinue…

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  • Christianity VS Philosophy

    Week 12 Lesson 60 Essay– Western Civilization I >Compare the teachings of Christianity, to values cherished by earlier civilizations we discussed (particularly the Greeks) and values.>Can you see anything in common between Christianity and some of the great ancient thinkers we have discussed.  When comparing the teachings of Christianity, as described in the New Testament,Continue…

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