Believers verusus Policemen

Week 7 Lesson 35– Classic Autobiographies Describe Kourdakov’s use of contrasts to strengthen his narrative. Kordakov used many contrasts to strengthen his narrative. The major contrast he would talk about most was the differences between the believers (the Christians of Russia) and the secret police, and their points of view.                 When the police wereContinue reading “Believers verusus Policemen”

Life Stories (autobiography)

Hii guys, My assignment was to write about some stories I’d include in my autobiography. For security reasons, I’m not going to use my family members’/friends’ actual names (except for Yunus, you guys know him!). That is the same reason I explained living in Candyland (it was actually just a city in New York State)Continue reading “Life Stories (autobiography)”

Novels, Short Stories, And Novellas

A short story is often written in prose, which is the way people speak. There is no set word that defies a short story. An example of this is “The Taming of the Shrew” by “William Shakespeare” A novel is also a prose narrative, but it’s a long story. Usually, it contains many fictional charactersContinue reading “Novels, Short Stories, And Novellas”

Comparison Of Jack London With Mark Twain

The books “White Fang” by Jack London and “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court” by Mark Twain have many similarities and differences in style. There are many differences between Mark Twain and Jack London’s style of writing.  In Jack London’s book “White Fang”, the events happen at a rapid pace. The events are excitingContinue reading “Comparison Of Jack London With Mark Twain”

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